Wednesday 27 May 2015

Quotes from the Kidlets

"Shouldn't we be using Hulk's poo as fertilizer to make our veggies even stronger?"

Sav came home with her dictée full of red, red and more red corrections from Mme Jacquet. More mistakes than all year combined. Her take?

"Well, the lesson here is that when I study, I do better. I do poorly when I don't. Isn't that a good lesson, Mommy?" (clever escape, young child).

"When my friends exclude me from games, it makes me feel like the number zero."
(heart breaks as I watch his wee face break into tears as he describes his emotions.)

"Imagine a painting of someone making a painting,"....

(Lovely, really enjoying reading this book on "Art" with Sav).

 ..."In RescueBots, Bulldozer, the transformer who bulldozes... (oh no...what happened...we were just looking at sculptures and photography...)...likes to draw pictures of how he is feeling, whether it is sad, angry or happy. It helps him.

(ok, and we're back on track. Thank you, Transformer producers, for your sensitive approach to the characters of your robot/vehicles!!!).

"Mom, when are you bringing "the Force"."
"You know, the Force. The good guy Force. You should bring it to the breakfast table."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL- you two make me giggle - AA x