Wednesday 22 April 2015

Gladiator Fighting

Underwear. Shields. Swords. It got a little weird.

Hello Great Grandma!

We are pleased Great Grandma has enjoyed her videos...and just to reassure you, Great Grandma, we need a phrase book to understand Mac too!

Saturday 11 April 2015

Savvy Turns 8....Again!

A return to the forest for another hunt. Amazing group of kids and a very fun afternoon/evening.

Savvy is growing up... strong, sensitive, kind and very interesting. She's most into elephants, her new heelys, gymnastics and soccer. Her feet are giant (we're almost sharing shoes).

We're several months into her being a vegetarian and she's a bit cheeky about food choices. She's at her most radiant after time climbing in the trees, after a good long swim, or once we've reached her school after a cycle. Her bed time is getting later (830/9) and she's great about getting up every morning at 645 to get herself ready for the day. Those of you who know Sav will agree-- we wouldn't call her "easy going", but she is nonetheless amazing.

Happy 8th Sav-- we love you. xx

Thursday 9 April 2015

Easter Paddle

The water twas a little chilly but it was beautiful!
 Can't resist a pic of Granville Island for Nonno

 A little nosy in the house boat windows

Easter Tradition Chez the Stanfords

Nice Spidie Buckets. They really pop, hey L&K!?

Special Things for Special Comfort

For Savvy, it was her precious Heely's from Nana

For Mac, it is the wonderful Wonder Woman. 

Obsessed with female superheroes, is our Mac. And he asks some pretty darn great questions too:

Where are all the women Superheroes?
Where are they, really really really, where are they? 
So....look, look at this....see...there 8 SuperMEN on my book cover, but only 1 SuperWOMAN!?

Before we jump to the conclusion that Mac is a budding feminist, let me clarify:

He is not worried about the inequality of the matter. He really just wants to know where they are...he thinks they are in different books, in different cities, in different forms, but he believes they are out there and just need to be found. 
If only.

Happy 8th Birthday Savannah Skye Roberts!

Meatballs and Gateau for Sav, Chez Nana.