Monday 27 May 2013

Mac Ride Teaser Video

Here we go with the Mac Ride teaser video. Close ups of the seat itself will commence soon...once our next prototype arrives and we've made progress on the design patent!
This might not work for everyone...we've had a few video glitches which we are working through!

Do you think she'll say yes?

Go for it anyway, Mac!

In Burnaby at the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada "Spring Sprint" (ha, sprint... with toddlers...) with Team H/B-H!

Saturday 25 May 2013

Queen Elizabeth Park

So green and lush...and HIGH up.  Respect to Katie who cycled there with the twins in tow.

Going Going Going Gone: Bye Bye Hope Street

The coolest duplex flat we have ever seen, and our first "owned" home, and it's officially no longer ours.

Our tenant completed the purchase, and we completed the sale.  Hopefully, after the lender, the agent and the lawyer all take their bite, there will be a bit of cash leftover to fly its way to our Canadian account, ideally before the British pound suffers what I am told could be a significant dip in the next few days (very few fans for the Canadian chap running the bank of England!).

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Keep Your Eye on the Marshmallow!

Coaching a 2 year old on marshmallow roasting. Easy peasy...
 ...when they learn from the master... Not a single mallow fallen into the fire. Not a single one, blackened to a crisp. Nope.

Whistler with Mac Ride

 Mac's just starting to get the hang of scooting as oppose to shuffling
Playing with fire

One munchkin safe from the bears

 Two munchkins safe from the bears
They like it up there, honest!

 Very important to feature this awesome toastie maker.

 Hot chocolate stop while Mom tests bikes.

Surprised our giant 6 year old could fit on Mac Ride. Pleasantly surprise.
 Important product testing
 The boy loves it - hooray!

Savvy's Kindergarten Sports Day

 Sav was on the red team, but red was not her colour of choice.  She wore blue and it's better if I spare you the backstory!

 Mac cheered on from the side (ha, from the side, he was right in the middle of it all!)
Monkey bar hands.  Ouch!

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Seattle Zoo, Play, Popsicles and the Seattle Rainmakers vs Vancouver Nighthawks in Ultimate Frisbee

 Sav and Zoe the morning after their late night sleepover.  Two girls, top bunk in an amazing dollhouse bunkbed with loads of new toy, chatting until midnight.  Repeat until 10pm on the Saturday night and you can guess what type of 6 year old we had on our hands!

 I love this!!! But I'm scared. But I want more birds. But I'm scared. But please get more seeds. But I'm scared...

 Chris was the master at luring the birds out for seeds

 Sav and Zoe before Sav's megaclimbing meltdown. Oh dear.

 On the newly acquired Macbeth land, throwing stones.  Looking forward to the new house!

 There was a lot of crawling about, playing horse and playing cats and dogs.  Mostly it was Mac being led about by one of the girls on a pretend leash, a sparkling bobby dazzler belt, no less.
 This was early in the game when the Nighthawks were in turnover city.  Then the poor lads got tired, despite a good crack at a comeback in the 4th quarter.
 Aw. My fave pic from the weekend!

It's not working, Daddy

...says Mac to MegaDob, handing him a perfectly good carrot at the dinner table.

Monday 13 May 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

More to come on our trip to Redmond/Seattle to visit Team Macbeth shortly.  In the meantime, a huge Happy Mother's Day to the team tipping, hogg, ebara, howard, dobson moms!
Perhaps not quite the homage Nonna deserves (fast food on the run!) but nice to eat chez Wendy's on Mother's Day.
 We think Wendy would like to know her youngest boy was still mucking about in trees!

Thursday 9 May 2013

Happy Birthday Lynnie

Poor Mac doesn't even get to sneak a look-in behind my shoulder!
Not even a cheeky look from Sav can ruin the look of lovely lynnie and that delicious pie by Nana.