Sunday 22 July 2018

Chef Savvy

Cheffing it up with the veggie cookbook from Auntie Shark and Uncle Ty.
Sav's into her baking and making her tea. Not to share and spread joy. Oh no. To sell, people. To sell.
~ $$$ ~

Stampede 2018

A lovely Stampede 2018 chez KL.

I would love to share more pictures from riding the bull. But... 
What happens on Despard...

Soccer Chez Nana

Glen can take these suckers down. All. Day. Long.

The Rocket- Phase 2

Rocket is about 14 weeks old now.  
He's toilet trained, eats well from his kongs (Glen feeds him these organic, layered, parfait style meals, better than what we feed the kids:), and he sleeps nicely in his capsule. 

Rocket goes for nice walks and is off lead in Uplands park (this took some time and bribing with treats; he seemed to be keen to stay in the yard for his first month with us). He also went off lead with MegaDob on a mini trail ride last week and loved it. That's the good news. 
The bad news- he's still a bit nippy and needs to go for a few time outs a day for biting. 
We love him anyway.
On the pAshio
On the back step. Snoozing up until I came to take a snap.

La plage.

Wednesday 4 July 2018

Nana Retires!


You are such a legend, completely deserving of your Wonder Woman Pez.

The people of YVR, YYJ, BC, Canada, the World, and the Galaxy are so lucky to have had you on the bench, using the Force for good, for 26 years!

We will forever bow when entering and leaving your room. But, your socialization classes start tomorrow.

Mac would compare you to Yoda if you weren't still so spry and ready for new adventures.

Love love love from,

Nana's last line up!
 Glen wasn't really listening to when to smile and when to be usual suspects...
 Brothers... (they are laughing at Lynnie...she's hunch backing it)