Thursday 27 February 2014

King size bed. What is the point!?

Classic Mac.
I came to bed late to find that Mac, as per usual, had climbed into our bed already. And, as per usual, he had glommed on to Dob. And, as per usual, no covers.

Monday 24 February 2014

February Snow Showers

 Snowy and Sizzles the dog

19th Feb ticket on Sav's coat - incriminating evidence for a mid week cheeky ski with Dad. Nothing wrong with a little skiving from school!

Rainbow Loom

The Rainbow Loom toy has hit Team Roberts hard. Singles, triple single, hexafish, fishtail, starburst... Savvy cannot put her loom set down and has made elastic bracelets long enough to stretch from one side of the house to the other. Not to mention a rainbow loom Chinese skipping rope (where Mac just gets to stand still at one end, as a permanent fixture).

More time with Thunder chez UBC

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Words from Savvy, age 6

Mom. Dad. When will you learn that no matter what system* you try to use to improve my behaviour, it's not going to work. Whether you choose star charts, time outs, time ins, a song on the couch, and now this stupid take-away-a-star thing, all of these systems actually just bring about worse behaviour than at the start. There is no point.

Ok, Savvy, so what would you have us do to help you learn right from wrong, and to learn respectful, kind behaviour.

Nothing. Just let me be. Let me figure it out.

*yes, she used the word "system". 

Words from Mac, at age 3


Daddy. THANK YOU. So. So. So. Much. For building a tower with me.
We really did a great job, didn't we?

Saturday 15 February 2014

San Diego with Elton

A couple of (lovely) engineering nerds

Friday 7 February 2014

Whistler with the Lovely MBA Dorks

Not a weekend for making fresh tracks, but the old snow worked out just fine and check out the blue skies! Lovely to hit the slopes and chill over great food and drink with the MBA dork crew.

 Yes- despite the rocks, this is 7th heaven. Where is all the snow!?

J&D welcomed us all into their amazing cabin-- hot tub, chocolate fondue set, and all.

 This is Savvy and Mac, braving a night with the other kids before they succumbed for phase 2 of this crazy flu/cold we've all had.
Kind of regret shoving them into ski school while so unwell, but, alas, what's done is done.
 Oh, Brady. The star of the murder mystery 70s night.
And Brady Junior, the lost son!!!

 Bed time is easy if you just let them fall over in exhaustion after 10pm!

Next time, I hope the boys put a little bit of effort into their meal...
We're missing team shouter in this pic, but hooray for R&Z for escaping the Vancouver kidlet madness and joining in for Saturday night!
And what a night to celebrate Princess Buttercup and Uncle Fatty's 10 year anniversary. They both saber-ed their chilled champagne bottles on the toasty patio. Pure class.

But which Mommy am I?

Mommy? says Mac.
Yes, Mac? says I.
No! says Mac.

Mommy? says Mac.
Yes, Dinosaur Mac? says I.
No! says Mac.

Mommy? says Mac.
Yes, Dragon Mac? says I.
No! says Mac.

Mommy? says Mac.
Yes, Kitty Cat Mac? says I.
No! says Mac.

Mommy? says Mac.
Yes, Turtle Mac? says I.
No! says Mac.

Mommy? says Mac.
Yes, Lightening? says I.
Mac smiles, and continues with story. Phew.

It's a bit easier with a wee clue. Sometimes it's first time lucky:

Mommy Bird? says Mac.
Yes, Little Bird? says I.

Mommy Pig? says Mac.
Yes, George? says I.


Sav has been sick and we knew her dictee test would be tricky. Yet she came home with perfect marks?

- How did you manage that? I asked.

- I looked at Gabby's. She let me, Sav said, happily.


- That won't do, Sav, you'll need to tell Mme Jacket and apologise.

The next day, we asked whether she had told her teacher. Sav said, no. We stressed it was essential or we would write a note on Sav's behalf. And besides, she would feel so much better if she came clean.

- Why would I tell? I don't feel badly at all.


Tuesday 4 February 2014

Classic Sick Mom is...

Classic Sick Mom is...

1. Glen leaving on a week long trip
2. Me getting sick the day he leaves-- very sick
3. Savvy and Mac getting sick and having to be off school/nursery
4. Savvy coming home and barfing from the front door, down the hall, all the way to the toilet WHILE Mac takes off his trousers and announces he needs the toilet as he pees all over the living room floor
5. Me trying to work while sick and with the kids at home, and taking Sav to a work meeting which I had moved to Starbucks near us, so she could colour in the corner in her PJs while I tried my best to be competent
6. Us leaving for a long weekend in Whistler, almost too sick to travel, but still committed to hitting the mountain in the morning, then getting even more sick because of it!

Ack. It was a hard week. Thank frick hubba hubba Glen is home!

Thanks to Nana, Lynnie and Lynnea for helping us through.