Sunday 30 June 2013

Sunshine Coast - the Teaser

Glen is somewhere off the coast of Vancouver Island fishing with Ty and a couple of new mates.  No reception so we can only hope they are pulling in some serious salmon.
Meanwhile, Shark is co-parenting with me on the beautiful sunshine coast.
More to come.

Friday 28 June 2013

Mac Ride - the Site is Live

Check it out:  Much more to come, but it's a start!

Thank you to everyone for all the help and support - Family, Katie, Shark, Buttercup, Caldero and all of our other friends who have put us in touch with folk in the industry.

Feedback welcome!

Thursday 27 June 2013

Lightning McQueen

Mac is Lightning McQueen mad.

Where's Lightning? Need Lighting! No, not without Lightning.
(Have to admit, Lighting does have a fair amount of "sizzle"!)

So I wasn't surprised when ....

I was at the library with Mac for story and song time.
The librarian-singer started with Old McDonald.
Old McDonald had a farm, E I E I O.
And on that farm there was a ??? (camon children, join in!?)

Mac: CAR!!!

The librarian-singer went through about 8 (painfully repetitive) verses of that (let's face it, kind of annoying) song. Every time:

...was a ?

Mac: CAR!!!

Monday 24 June 2013

And at last, Mac joins the paddleboard game!

But Mac's not quite ready for standing...

 Sav worked hard for these precious costume eye glasses. They stayed onshore for her paddle...just in case.

Vancouver Nighthawks - Night Out with the Old Ultimate Gang

So great to see some of the old gang.

Awesome moment was when a guy beside Leslie (7) asked her, "So what is your connection with ultimate?"

Missed Buttercup and Shark, but if the pro league makes it through to next summer, we'll do a more complete reunion then!

Thursday 20 June 2013

We need to open a marina!

We've got a new boat out and about for the summer (thank you Nonno, for letting us pinch your Fish Hunter dingy - it's going to be great for trips to GI this weekend and we can't wait to share it with Team Japan in August).
With the bikes, the skis/boards, the paddleboard and the dingy (and the rest)...we need Nana to start parking on the street!

This is how adults do it

Sav normally hops on the lift (literally), jumps about, swings on the handlebar and tries to climb the walls.

Sometimes though, she says, "let me show you how the adults do it".

Then she puts her back to the crowd, her nose right up to the lift door, crosses her arms, zones her face out and looks straight ahead.


Wednesday 19 June 2013

Patio Dinner - first of many this summer, we hope!

(There's no chance at all that I had just said to Savvy, "be sure to sit up straight"!)

Monday 17 June 2013

The Lovely Sensitive Savvy

Having a super duper mega sensitive daughter can be a bit tricky at times.  But there are lovely dovely moments when we realise how special it is that Savvy is so in tune with her heart and the hearts of those around her.

- If Sav is looking stressed, we'll let her know we have noticed and it's often something so sweet, "I'm just worried about your sore knee, Mommy."

- She sobs, proper streams of happy tears, when Nemo is reunited with his Dad.

- In a classic tale of "the missing boots", where MegaDob's pannier fell from his bike, lost forever (holding, of course, Sav's precious boots), Sav became ever so concerned about her Dad, not wanting him to worry that he had lost her favourite boots.

- Sav has many a nightmare, playing through various natural disasters and worrying about herself, but more importantly the fate of others.

- She still talks about losing Nonna, worrying deeply about Glen, Nonno, and others and how they are coping. She does the same for close friends and still has a million questions about her Auntie Sha Sha losing her mom, Carole, and whether Shark will ever be the same. And what can Savvy do to make Shark feel better.

- Yesterday, on father's day, celebrating one of the world's greatest Dads, Sav made him a special ring of love that he could sit in to open his presents.  She'd made him tissues, jewelry, cards, and had even set aside 10 cents for him from her own wallet. (Savvy hoards her pennies so 10 cents was BIG!).

So, we'll manage with the not-THAT-shape-of-pasta, my-laces-AREN'T-tight-enough, I'm-leaving-this-RUBBISH-family-FOREVER tantrums and enjoy the benefits of our wonderful sensitive Sav.

Saturday 15 June 2013

This Board is Gonna Pay for Itself!

Lovely paddle home from the pub this evening.

Sorry Aquabus, Team Roberts has a new ride! (We've already saved at least 20 bucks in fares.)

One lesson learned: We won't be trying the adult-double anytime soon.  Glen and I nearly found ourselves taking an evening dip as we teamed up on the board.  And that idea came to us before the drinking...

A Standing Ovation for Giant Number 2

Savvy was a wonderful "Giant 2" in her Arts Umbrella theater class production of

Where the Wild Things Are.  

Sav rehearsed well at home, and despite being very nervous on show day, delivered her lines with her chin up and a "giant" smile.  Can's say enough about the real Giant on the right of the shot - Sav's teacher. He was amazing.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Squamish - Camping, Rock painting, Caving, Paddling, and Mac-Riding

Buttercup and Griff. Once a World Champion, always a World Champion.


 What's the rush? Why not examine a blade of grass.  And then the next. And the next....

Our Savvy monkey on nature's monkey bars

Mac Ride testing was very successful.  Thanks Team Nielsen for a great weekend. Next time, we'll make it a 3-nighter for sure!

Friday 7 June 2013

First Kits Pool Session of the Season

We were over dressed in our wetsuits. The water was roasting!

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Paddleboarding to School

 Two days back to back with calm seas.  Not complaining.

Sunday 2 June 2013

International Children's Festival at Granville Island

 "Children's Festival"....lost on Dob!
Savvy's corker of an alien hand puppet pocking through tunnel

Hi- Yah!

It's lovely when the kids play so nicely together, even if they are kicking the sh*te out of each other.

Saturday 1 June 2013

The Urge to Splurge

We've wanted a paddleboard since arriving at Christmas... et voila!

The Jimmy Styks Urge (still to be named) on its fancy new wheels. Perfect for a calming paddle in the bay or a scoot to GI.