Monday 19 August 2013

The Mac Ride Blog!

We invite one and all of our loyal robdobhow blog followers to join in on the Mac Ride blog. And if you're blogged out, and want to say to us, Blog This!?!, hey, just quickly go to the site, skip the reading and trust the content is golden, spread the word, and "like" our entries:)

Latest entry features cousin Reika - our latest Mac Ride testing recruit!

Pool Silliness

Bring WHAT to Canada from Scotland? The Trampoline!?

Best decision ever!

Monday 12 August 2013

Low Tide with Team Japan

Double Trouble

New House -- It's Official!

First order of business-- get the tramp up (for grassy patch on left)
Not our furniture but it is our house now! It's looking pretty sharp in these pics but actually needs a fair bit of work: paint, new carpeting and the real zinger-- a new roof:(  
We hope to be moved in over the next couple of weeks. It's exciting and lovely but the kids will miss (regular) story time with Nana and let's not even talk about the change in view!
Cambie Village, here we come!

Go Whitecaps!

Monday 5 August 2013

Lemonade and Watermelon-- business is good!

Sav was inspired by a lemonade stand we visited in Whistler. The next weekend, one hour a day for two days in a row, and 90 bucks in profit later, Sav's getting the wrong idea about the value of money!

 Little brother, spoiling the gains.
 That's right, nice lady, reach deep into your bag and pull out ALL your cash!

We fooled them!

And they let Glen in. To work. And play. And stay. It's official!

Sunday 4 August 2013

Forest Frolic with the Marshalls

 We get Eco points-- we traveled by bike and foot when we could, but when we needed a car, we put 8 into the magic Mrs Lilly.  Yes, Gilly is back there too, behind Jonathon and in between the two 6 year olds!

Tooth Fairy Visit Number 1

Sav's been after a wiggly tooth for AGES. When she finally lost her first tooth, we were very impressed she waited an extra night until we were in Whistler to put it under her pillow.  Good job the Tooth Fairy noticed this and made the trip too. I have a feeling she/he almost forgot....