Tuesday 21 August 2007

Party Chez Casa Nielsen

A big thank you to Team Nielsen for hosting a lovely soiree at their casa in North Van. It was great to have the MBA dorks and more come together for some yummy steaks. It was also excellent to see all the mini people roaming around with sticky hands, plastering the lovely new casa's walls with chocolate cake.

And congratulations to Shouter and Monica...quite and engagement and quite a wedding to look forward to!

I can't believe how the Bird is coming along - so charming as he has a cuddle with Mo over Brunch. Crazy that he is growing up so far away from the Roberts clan... alas, there will be more trips to Vancouver in the future, and hopefully some more trips from pals out our way, including the Nielsens and nos amigos mexicanos Jose (x2), Pilar, y Triana.

Tuesday 14 August 2007

A few extra pics...

Chica Banana

Aya and Dobbo in the pool.

Dobbo's 007 "perfectly shaped arse". Hello hubba!

Shakespeare in Vernon- a lovely night.

Shark and Savvy

Huck Finn

More Savvy and Shark...

Family Photos August 2007

We're back in Scotland safe and sound after a great 3 weeks in Canada. Many team dinners chez le jooje and nights out too. The gals took two weeks of morning swimming lessons at UBC, but that didn't stop them from swimming in the afternoons and evenings too. Savvy joined in for her 5 minute pool workout and we collectively successfully destroyed the pool atmosphere for the rich and famous. Wicked games of hide and seek were played and MORE strawberry sundays were devoured (the magic secrets are the yoghourt and the chocolate chunks in the ice cream). With sitter help from Nana, Ashley got to go to a posh yaletown yoga studio a few times at the awesome "newbie" rate, and Dob got to go to a ball class. Thank you Mountain Equipment Coop for our new sleeping bags and for blowing out our budget too.

Sunday 12 August 2007

Dad and Daughter

Dobson and Savvy having a snooze while on holidays in Vancouver.

Monday 6 August 2007

Nana Steps Up

Glen and I have enjoyed many an afternoon/evening out as Nana steps up into the role of Chief Savvy Sitter. Chi and Aya have helped a great deal as well, making a host of goofy and sweet faces for Savannah to explore.
The weather's been great and so has the food with most of our days focussed around meal time. The ritual of the Keg dinner has continued in honour of Ashley's Dad, waffle breakfast was a hit, strawberry sundays are a regular, tuna bake and japanese tuna...mmm, and we've also made it to Kits Beach for a lovely picnic.

Savvy has a new nick name - Savvy Wasabi. It's to go with Chica Banana and Aya Papaya. Savvy's other favourite is being called "Savannah Skyyyyyye" by her uncle Chris. She goes mental with giggles every time, even on "one more time".