Friday 30 September 2011

The Big Bad Wolf

Savvy and her mates were in the forest today looking for the Big Bad Wolf. They made a pretty strong house so I don't reckon any wolf could huff and puff his way in.
Meanwhile, Mac ate sticks and leaves, completely unaware of claws and furry danger.
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Wednesday 28 September 2011

Huff and Puff

Savvy has pushed for some challenging discussions in the past:

  1. Evolution – the monkeys – where is my tail?
  2. War – the Nazis – who are they and where do I find one?
  3. Medicine –  when my cut heals how do skin cells regenerate?
  4. Regret/guilt – remember when you were pregnant and I was so so so mad and kicked you in the tummy.  And you were crying and I was crying and we were both crying so hard?  Why am I almost crying now remembering?
  5. Death/reincarnation – but how will the worms eat my flesh and how will the new butterfly know to grow from my dust?
So when Savvy asked me what types of things would put someone in jail, I thought I owed her an honest and relatively mature answer.  I talked her through

1.                   Assault
2.                   Breaking and entering, and
3.                   Drunk driving

Clearly I was mistaken in missing out Huff and Puff.   After I was finished, quite proud of my thorough examples, Savvy, frustrated, asked:

“So does the big bad wolf go to jail for blowing down the piggy’s house?”

*Note to reader on this original blog entry. The judge has picked up that I have confused arson with mischief (Huff and Puff).  Why did I make the mistake? Because eventually the piggies make it to the last house which stands firm but the piggies see the wolf coming down the fireplace and light him up.  There was fire and I got mixed up!   I'm sure it won't be long before Savvy picks these errors up for me:)

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Bunk Bed...ish

Sav wanted a bunk bed to share with brother Mac. No can do, we said. So she made her own and has been sleeping under Mac's cot all week - you can just see her wee feet. We don't care where they sleep, as long as they keep sleeping through the night!

On a fiscal note, as I blog, I am listening to scottish ministers speak about the spending review announced today. Swimming's gonna be ok - health, education, justice... we are still in the frame on all of the priorities.
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Sunday 18 September 2011

Macrobert Turns 40

"A party for a building!?" Savvy asked incredulously. "I had better make him a birthday card."
The University's child friendly Macroberts Centre indeed turned 40 on the weekend.
Face painting - free. Live music - free. Dance class - free. Balloons - free. Theatre performances - free.
Original Sherlock Holmes cinema viewing - 30p (the cost of going to their cinema 40 years ago).
All good fun and lovely sun to cycle to and fro as well.

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Tuesday 13 September 2011


Sav drawing up her weekly schedule. Tuesday's ballet day with Amy. Girly girly. But not so keen on brushing hair so she has a thread of tomboy in her too, surely.

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Udon Anyone?

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Monday 12 September 2011

Awards Night

The family had a hectic weekend in Glasgow - a bit of shopping, a bit of DIY on the hope street flat, some swimming in the hotel pool, and -the feature of the trip - the annual Scottish Swimming awards night. The IMAX was great for the presentation of awards, and the Glagsow Science centre a lovely venue for the food and celebrations. Until next year (15 Sept 2012, save the date and cross every single finger and toe for a Scottish Olympic medal in the pool as part of team GB:)
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Tuesday 6 September 2011

Things to Cross Off the List

1.  Baby that sleeps through the night
2.  Catch head lice from 4 year old

Monday 5 September 2011

"Smile like a monkey, get stung by a wasp."

A nasty wasp joined us in Mr Strawberry on our journey home from the garden centre. Mac fell asleep in the car, mouth open. I looked back to find the wasp in his mouth. IN HIS MOUTH. Hello, recipe for anaphylactic shock in a baby. I pulled over, reached in his mouth, pulled the wasp out and watched it wiggle from my grasp to sting the wee lad on his cheek. Wasp buzzing angrily, hanging from Mac's cheek, stinger stuck, I went into full rescue mode.

Ha! Am I making it sound like I was a hero? The above is true, but what is also true: If I had had an epi pen on me, I would have used it on myself! Je n'aime pas les wasps.  I was freaking out.

Anyway, the boy lives. Turns out his air passages stayed clear.
But his eye is puffed shut and his cheek is bruising

Based on my cheesy blog title, this is a good chance to share a real (and awesome) Muhammad Ali quote:
"I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want."
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More Stellar Pics from MegaSmith

Glen will boast about MegaSav's riding on this afternoon in the woods.  Says she can descend a slope most adult riders couldn't.  Go Savage, go!

Babies at the Librewery

Starring Mac, E and J. Toddlers running mad in the background. Full day care centre with your choice of beer (I mean book). Douglas (Librewery owner) doesn't seem to mind.

Mac finishes his tea with Tim.

The munchkins were all so happy.  Until MegaDob dropped one of the babies...and unfortunately not ours.

Biking with the Boys

Fab pictures courtesy of MegaSmith.

Friday 2 September 2011

Nana's Got Bling!

Check out Nana's broken arm bling!

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