Monday 5 September 2011

"Smile like a monkey, get stung by a wasp."

A nasty wasp joined us in Mr Strawberry on our journey home from the garden centre. Mac fell asleep in the car, mouth open. I looked back to find the wasp in his mouth. IN HIS MOUTH. Hello, recipe for anaphylactic shock in a baby. I pulled over, reached in his mouth, pulled the wasp out and watched it wiggle from my grasp to sting the wee lad on his cheek. Wasp buzzing angrily, hanging from Mac's cheek, stinger stuck, I went into full rescue mode.

Ha! Am I making it sound like I was a hero? The above is true, but what is also true: If I had had an epi pen on me, I would have used it on myself! Je n'aime pas les wasps.  I was freaking out.

Anyway, the boy lives. Turns out his air passages stayed clear.
But his eye is puffed shut and his cheek is bruising

Based on my cheesy blog title, this is a good chance to share a real (and awesome) Muhammad Ali quote:
"I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want."
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Maman said...

Ahhhh ...poor Mac. Also poor me! Tonight i fully expect a return of my nightmares from a childhood incident. I stepped in a wasp nest and received multiple stingers within a matter of seconds. When I stripped my clothes off, there were stragglers in my pockets and the cuffs of my jeans.

Sorry AJ. You do deserve all the attention and glory. As far as I am concerned, you truly were a heroine, reaching in with bare fingers to snatch the wasp.

Unknown said...

Poor mac & poor nana. I, 'touch wood' have never been stung, so have no idea what it is like!! Well done mega-ash & a cuddle from big sis puts a smile back on his face :-)

Nonno said...

Tilly can tell you about Wasps in B.O.A at Witches Craig had to take her to the vet, didn't like it, well done Ash sounds like an awful time hope all OK now, just got on the boat for France LOTS of white water out there.