Sunday 25 April 2021

Won't be long, Dobbo. Won't be long.

Cabin Amazingness

 We brought up the new rug.

And kids built the outdoor patio furniture and Dob chopped wood while I hiked with Rocket.

Burger Crush food truck on the way home.

It was a great wee day trip.

My fave corner-

Henderson Golf with Nana

 Lovely invite from Nana to hit a few holes in the sunshine.

I birdied (true story). And Dob. Well...

Coco is BACK!

 We'll cram in as many visits as we can this summer before she returns to Calgary in the Fall.

Black Ice - Fastball Season 2021

 There are no games (yet?), and we can't fill the stands and eat candy bags while we cheer them on, so it's just pictures from home this year, I am afraid. But at least the kids are out in the fresh air, and being active/social.

Slice of time

In between tennis and baseball, we subway and chocolate milk at the field. 

It's a nice Buster/Lucille tradition.

Birthday High Tea for Savvy

 14 just keeps getting more and more delicious!

Tuesday 6 April 2021

A candy gathering

 Savvy with her cohort buddies have a birthday chill on the trampoline. This is 14!

Birthday Fun at the Cabin

Beautiful, kind, funny Savvy, eating her bday cake. That she made herself, of course. 

New life jacket. YES!
More biking with my beasts (Rocket and Sav)
Les garcons.
Birthday hike
Jenga Epic. Can you feel the tension!?
Birthday swim
The birthday bonfire was Easter Sunday. Monday the 5th was for pancakes and whip cream. And kale smoothies to try and balance out the sugar.


 We finished Schitt's Creek right as Savvy was coming around her latest lap of the sun. Here she is channeling Alexis on her last day of school before the 4 day Easter/Birthday weekend. 

Hair flick. 


The bike. It's coming along-

 Bit by bit Mega and Mac have been building this beauty!

Nana, Savvy, AJ Cabing Weekend

 Hiking, biking and baking. A great way to wrap up March!

Meanwhile, back at base, the boys-