Thursday 22 August 2019

Andrea Tipping and Toes

After hiking, camping and hiking some more, our feet were in a nasty state, so we ditched the kids and met Lynn for pedicures and sushi. Then a wee chat chez Team V.

 THEN a walk with Rocket...who stays put for photos without any hassle:)

Mac Tipping

Mac hasn't taken off his Tipping Rugby jersey since he got it! LOVES it.

Team Tipping - Beautiful East Sooke Regional Park

 They saw whales, people. Lots of whales and close up too!
I wasn't there, but I heard it was amazing.
Then they showed me their brilliant footage and it was a dot here and there in the distance.
I smiled politely.

Cousin Love

 I will include more pics as they come in!

Team Tipping Bike Train

Hats off to Team Tipping who jumped on their bikes and round around town with us...downtown, to Klynnie's, to Nana's, to Pizza, to get nails done....basically everywhere!

Monday 19 August 2019

Back in Victoria: Mount Doug

It was nothing but a little stroll after Team Tipping had conquered Grouse!

Shawnigan Lake- Team Japan

Nice feasts, Uncle Chris. Thank you!
 These two. They are so great together.
 Back to the quarry for more rock jumping!
 Rei and Mac went on a mini adventure...they were so so so cute!

Shawnigan Lake: Tipping-Japan Combo!

Too many lovely pics to choose from!

The Quarry


(Hey, I took recommendations on my move and kids asked me to floss. So...I flossed)

Mount Baldy

 There is no easy way up.
Or down!

Shawnigan Lake - So so special

What is better than camping at Shawnigan Lake? Sharing the magic with family!
New dock (which we LOVE).
 Bread on a stick and playing games...Shaun - what can we bring!!!?
Wood chopping
Paddle boarding

 Dock sleeping


 Swedish candle-ing

Morning pancaking