Thursday 29 June 2017

The Red Pandas

Sav lucked out with a great coaching staff and wonderful teammates for her first year playing ball. She fielded, she pitched, she hit. And her throwing came along leaps and bounds.
The season ended with an awesome District Champs finish at Fireman's Park last weekend.

Wednesday 28 June 2017

Classy Humour

Poo jokes are still a big part of our dinner table chat. (Does it ever end?)

These poo jokes were circling a while back (thanks Uncle K) and we had to capture them here.

Did you know that diarrhea is hereditary?
It runs in your genes.
I ate four cans of alphabet soup yesterday.
Then I had probably the biggest vowel movement ever.
Have you seen that new movie Constipated?
It's not come out yet.
And have you seen the sequel, Diarrhea?
It leaked so they had to release it early.
People who tell you that they're constipated are full of crap.
Laughter is the best medicine.
Unless you have diarrhea...
Did you hear about the constipated composer?
He had problems with his last movement.
A man was sitting at a bar one day when a pirate walked in. The pirate had a wooden leg, a hook for one hand, and a patch over one eye.
Feeling sorry for the pirate, the man said, "Come over here, my friend. You look as though you've had a tough life and I'd like to buy you a drink."

The pirate gladly went over to the man who ordered him a rum.

Then the man asked the pirate, "I'm curious, how did you lose your leg?"

"Arrrgh!" said the pirate, "I lost that timber to a tiger shark in the Caribbean when I was thrown overboard for stealing a man's rum."

"Wow, that's awful!" said the man. "And tell me, how did you lose your hand?"

"Arrrgh!" replied the pirate, "I lost that fighting cannibals on a treasure island."

"Oh my word!" the man said, "How awful! And tell me, how did you lose your eye?"

The pirate said, "Arrrgh! A seagull pooped in it!"

"A seagull!" The man was surprised. He asked, "Is seagull poop dangerous?!"

The pirate said, "Nay, matey, it was me first day with the hook."
Do clown farts smell funny?

A little boy is walking down the country road one day when he comes across a man who has a truck load of cow manure.
The boy asks him what he's going to do with all that cow poop.

The man says, "I'm taking it home to put on my strawberries."

The little boy looks up at the man and says, "I don't know where you come from, but where I come from we put cream and sugar on our strawberries."
Did you hear about the constipated accountant?
He couldn't budget.....   

(last one perhaps the best considering Uncle K is an accountant!)

Yours for only $5000US

Mac is pretty chuffed with his lemon shark, soon to be framed. 
He heard from Uncle Kevin about a new artist selling his pieces to a Blue Jay player - $12k per piece. So Mac things $5k (US) is a steal. His pitch is targeted mostly to Nana, and perhaps to Auntie Shark, given his choice of subject matter.

There's also a Jackson Pollock-like piece for sale. Stay tuned.

Mac's not the only one showing off his goods this Summer. Lovely walking and cycling through Beacon Hill park these days.

Mac Ride Update

Moving from prototype to full production with our newly designed seat...Progress is slow, but great.

Wonderwoman with our Wonderwoman

Nana wasn't super impressed. I thought it was awesome!
Lovely night to walk to the cinema.
 Lovely weekend to Harbour in and out of YVR.

Sunday 4 June 2017

Oak Bay Tea Party

A mini Playland pops up at Willows beach.

Small rides for Mac.
Big rides for Sav.
Fish and chips and G&T for the adults.

Willows Beach Last Weekend

 A proper beach village when the sun comes out!