Friday 6 January 2023

Christmas 2022- Baking

 Challa and Shortbread

There were also cupcakes, and brownies, and sugar cookies to be made. 
And Nana's chocolate sauce too!

Christmas 2022 - Games and Hanging Out


Christmas 2022 - Lake Swimming

Yup, Glen shoveled a hole for her and she dunked. Tough as nails!

She went in everyday, did Beast 1.
And Aya was with her some days too!

Rocket was never sure of these proceedings...but he comes down to survey... and possibly to protect?

Christmas 2022- Snow Fort

 Minus 18 for Glen, Mac and Rocket. They said they were cozy inside the fort though!

Christmas 2022 - Woody

Christmas 2022 - WOW the SNOW!

We got snowed in at the Lake and it was glorious!

No fish but lots of trying.

Off to get a tree -
Tree sorted. Introducing - Woody:
So many great hikes.

Borislav and Rocket

Witches rock - snowy heaven-

Thursday 5 January 2023

Lots of winter birthdays

 Means milestones with friends!

Holiday Preparations

 Beast 3 is all about the holidays and loves his decorations, gathering all of us up in his enthusiasm to get in the spirit.

The décor choices are ... unique. But we love it.

You guys are adorable!

Savvy and Nana.💓


Sometimes this is required...

...To help beast 3 through a mood. 
Can you go wrong with PB and chocolate chips?


Fidget Fun for Beast 2

Entrepreneurial Project - a huge success. Mac worked very hard learning how to 3D print his fidgets with Dob, and had a lot of fun on the day selling his goods, also donating some profits to help children in Ukraine during the war. 

Great job, Mac!

Happy Birthday Beast 3!

 Family party-

Friend party-
We love you, young one!

Chi Turns 22!

And we had a lovely meal to celebrate her at the club. Thank you, Nana!

Happy 22, Chi!

Mom and daughter before the night out-

Team V in the Sun

 So much fun, thank you Team V for the wonderful visit.

Outdoor space at the airport - yes please! No cancellations on my way home. Some delays, but nothing crazy. Double yes please!

School Reunion

So fun to be in the sun with this crew. Trek 1990! Amazing that we are all still healthy, happy, fun, and in touch!

Flights were cancelled and missed and a new much longer itinerary was established. I did arrive before midnight on the day in question, though.
And I met Serb, a blueberry farmer from Surrey who is also in the gravel/road business. We spent many hours together waiting. I really didn't understand much in our conversations, it was a strain. But he was ever so lovely.
The crew-

Loads of lovely hiking.

So many doctors. No needles and thread, though!? -
Pickle ball is dangerous!