Thursday 28 April 2011

I won't tell if you won't tell...

... said Savage to Mhari's mom while over on a play date (re having her toes painted - a no go for team roberts' kids).

"Plus, I can just put on socks before I go home", she adds for good measure.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Whose Daughter is She, Anyway?

From outdoor rambler to "toddler on the cat walk", Savvy has her parents confused.

Dob and I are wondering if there was a baby switch in the mat ward. While Glen's searching for bike parts, and I am buying new hikers, Sav is negotiating when and where she can wear the high heels that her (evil) auntie Andrea bought her. Her love of fashion and all things pink and purple only seems to be heightening.

Below are the outfits that Savvy has laid out for the week ahead, after much careful consideration. And as I was about to take a snap to capture the lot, she panicked, eyes wide: "WAIT!".

She fetched her boa (from the other (evil) auntie Lynnie), expertly swung it around her neck and instructed: "There. Go."

Toddlers Summit Dumyat on Bikes (cheaters!)

What better way to spend Easter than out in the fresh air, cycling up Dumyat? One suggestion: doing the same, but without the hard work (ie, catching a lift on your mom/dad's ride). I'm sure an easter egg or two were eaten en route as well.
Harvey, Theo and Sav at the summit, sending notice to the English.
Harvey and Sav
Climbing fun.
Theo and Harvey with their sherpas.

Meanwhile, Mac and I were back at base resolving our feeding/sleeping issues. We are trying to help Mac drop a feed between 12-4am but he has a different idea. Night four was pretty poor. Hoping he's got the message tonight!?

Saturday 23 April 2011

The Monkey Can Escape from the Zoo. Oh dear....


If you liked it then you shoulda put a bib on it...Recycling of milk.
Still in good spirits.
All clean now.Cuddles from big sis.

Sunday 17 April 2011

Darn Walk With Carol

Great to have Carol back in Scotland and visiting the Bridge for the day. We did the Darn walk to Dunblane and Sav hoofed it the whole way on her own.
Part of the skip in Sav's step, even on the uphill? The daisy chain Carol made for her and the flowers in her sun hat too.
MegaDob never misses a chance to throw stones into water (Lynnie, see the Canucks shirt!) ... father, like daughter...

Soft Toy Fun - Part II

Soft Toy Fun - Part I

Edinburgh Science Festival

We carried past the Edinburgh Airport after dropping off Nana and made our way to the South Gyle train station so we could take Glen -I mean the kids- to the city centre's Science Festival. Shaun and Jess enjoyed programming lego robots and learning about scabs in the older kids' sessions, but they could all join in on the bubble fun and digging for dinos too. Sav also made a neat wee instrument and plane with Nina of the Neurons. Good day had by all.

These Shoes Were Made for Partying...

...but that's just not what they'll do. Poor Sav. Despite her intense passion for her party shoes, her commitment to naughtiness is greater. The shoes have been up high out of use for over a week as a follow up to daily time-outs. Tomorrow's another day...

Thursday 14 April 2011

Witches Craig Spring 2011

So lovely to see John, Auntie Andrea and the cousins. Sav's over at their tent just now for the night. Fingers crossed it goes smoothly so she can stay tomorrow night too...

Nana flies home tomorrow...hopefully back sometime soon.

Nana Misc

So cute!
Mmmm - tasty baby, said Nonno and Nonna's tiger.
Mom on the Wii Fit. Proof for Lynnie that Nana's fulfilled her fitness chart. We did the walk to Dunblane this morning (Darn walk, so beautiful) and Nana's done the nursery run daily so she's well on track.

Nana Hits the Farm with Savvy

Check out Sav on the go-kart. One of these things is not like the other...
Nana jumps for joy - a warm day in Scotland!

Friday 8 April 2011

Camon, seriously!

Could this boy be any cuter!?

William Cracks Four

A great afternoon of climbing, playing in the water fountain and snacking on yummy food/wine at W's fourth bday party. And plus, there was treasure to be found in the garden...

Nana Joins in for the Bday Celebrations

After a 10 hour sleep, a beautiful walk, a swim, and another party (see next blog entry), Nana joined in on yet another celebration for Sav's fourth. Presents, cake, candles and all.
Giant balloon from the car dealership survives the night. This is the replacement balloon after the first was lost to the Bridge of Allan skies. Yes, there were tears.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

1999 called...and they want their Honda Odyssey back

Well too bad - we're keeping it!
The idea is to stay local for more camping trips now that we have more room in the boot. And we can take extra passengers around too (in addition to our latest new passenger - now at 3 months). Plus, the Odyssey might be from the 90s, but it has less mileage than our Megane. It's silver, not our favourite colour, but better than yellow (we're hoping we didn't buy a lemon).
We've been doing well on the "100 day no car challenge"...until Glen got sick. Very sick. (You can see him being sick through the wind shield of our "new" car - poor lad has had it for ages). Hope to resume adding up our 100 car free days soon, especially now that Glen has medicine and we are driving a beast.

Blog has been failing us with picture uploads so catching up...More bday pics for Sav below. Purple is still "in".