Monday 28 July 2008

Savvy Show

A very unhappy baby cried herself to sleep on dad's shoulder. We blame the evil teething. She's also going through a phase where she will not take off her bib. No matter how sticky and hot.

A lovely bbq with Auntie Andrea and Dale. A little bit messy. The corn on the cob was a hit. It would not be dropped. It even had to come in the bath later that night.

Savvy seems off bananas now? Just mushes them up and chucks em.
Loves her q-tips and cleaning everyone's ears.

The runaway bride.

Monday 14 July 2008

Mine Woods

Still no proper camera, but Mega Dob has a new phone with a semi decent camera...

All is going well with Savvy. She's a very good eater. She eats three bananas a day (would eat more if allowed), can polish a big apple (including the core), and puts italy to shame with her pasta consumption.
She's still on the moody side and throws several tantrums a day, but her scratching and hitting is on the mend, and she usually comes in for a snuggle and kiss when she's feeling more calm.

Friday 11 July 2008

Champion of the Woooooooorld

The above title needs to be said in slowmo.

Not only is Mega Dob the champion of the Mega Dumyat Downhill, he is now also champion of the "Stirling University Active Day Slow Mountain Bike Competition".

The day, which we like to think we helped bring about through our e-lobbying :), was focused on raising awareness for cycling and walking to work etc. Glen inched along slower than the next slowest time by over 8 seconds (which did not include him cheating like the others, weaving and s-ing to cover more ground).

Mega Dob was very modest when he commented, "I just can't seem to lose. I'm fastest, I'm slowest. Somebody stop me."