Thursday 3 August 2017

Happy Anniversary MegaDob!

Mega's in Taiwan working some Mac Ride magic. We'll catch up on our romantic night out when he's back. In the meantime, here's to the man who, back in 2000*, made me this model of him, a frisbee playing Scotsman, with a Canadian disc in his hand.
Model is still going strong. So is the love.
Mega, you're the absolute best, even when you camouflage yourself in the couch and blanket colours to try and hide from our two cheeky, beautiful beasts.

*Do people recall 2000, the year my teammates and I became world champions in frisbee? Just checking.

(posted on the 2nd, PST, but it's the 3rd in Taiwan!!!)

Uplands Bike Train

Lovey Thai meal in Cadboro bay, and a sweet bike train to and fro. Cousin Reika still loves Mac Ride.
Trampoline jump and snack for the finish.

A Walk to Willows Beach

With a bit of piano along the way

And some ice cream too.
Worried for all the BC communities impacted by the forest fires. We're seeing the smoke throughout Victoria, hence the grey sky and foggy shots.
Not good.

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Trip to feed the seals. And to the candy store.

 Even at the candy store, the lad spends his cash on lego.
 Cousin love:

Family Photo 2017-- Yeehaw!

Plan B.

Things don't always go to plan...

...especially underwater.
This was Mega's vision:
But this is what happened...
 Points for Sav and Uncle K

 I like that Lynn is all "take no prisoners" in this one:

It was a good try. We'll try again next year! Meanwhile, off to plan B for the 2017 family photo.

Happy Birthday Sweet Reika!!!

Uncle Kevin's Been Shopping...

Hornby Island Camping Trip-- And the Spear Gun

Wouldn't be a sea trip without Mega pulling in a fish on his spear.
He landed a rock fish and was pretty chuffed. He had to stab the fella again once on the beach, and the fish's venemous dorsal fins shot up as Mega's hand slammed down. The result? Vague poisoning of Mega's hand and a bit of Scorpian Claw hand.
Chris then did a magical fish dance, Mega cooked his catch, and his hand was good again.

Hornby Island Camping Trip-- Team Japan/Nana Fun!

Gourmet eats by MegaDob and the 425
Posh pizza and live music.
 Dodgy campsite park play
 "Wheels on the bus go round and round", over dishes
 Water fun


 Night night Big Trib.