Saturday 28 November 2015

Don't make change too complicated. Just Begin.

or... make a complete gong show of change and alter a million parts of your life all at once. Let's review:

1. Sav is changing schools. She loved Trafalgar, but l'Ecole Bilingue is closer and we can only guarantee Mac French Immersion next year for Kindergarten by being in our catchment school (Ecole Bilingue). A spot opened up for Sav in grade 3, and voila. So yesterday was Sav's last day and she's had an emotional but wonderful week wrapping things up with teachers and her besties.
And WHAT!?! Mac's not in Kindergarten yet? Nope. Jan 2 baby. And we're still in negotiations over whether he'll go in Sept...he's adamant he'll stay home with me.

2. Today is Mega's last day at the wonderful Race Face. He's riding home as I type. He'll miss his colleagues and of course, the sweet lunch time riding. But it's time to focus on some new broader design projects and pushing on with momentum for Mac Ride.

3. Speaking of Mac Ride, Glen's just pushed GO for production! Hooray!
So he's been full on back and forth with the manufacturers and will be visiting the factory in January.

4. We are going on an epic 5 week adventure to Vietnam. We leave Sunday. Wanna rob our house while we're gone? Don't bother-- our bikes are stored offsite, and we have a 100 workers phasing in and out of the house: sorting out a flooded basement (poop), sanding the wood floors (we should have done it before we moved in, bugger), painting and building a new wall upstairs.
Move main floor furniture upstairs to clear the decks for sanding? Nope, upstairs needs to be clear for framing and drywall work.
Move tenants stuff up to main floor to make way for replacement laminate and new walls? Nope, we're sanding....

5. What caused that flood, you ask? Well, let's write another check to pay the Amazing A1 Plumbers to dig about the house, sending in the drainage cameras and flushing us out.

6. With being gonzo in Dec, we've tried to bring a little Xmas joy to the house early. Including advent calendars with the count down to our trip.

This non working parent has made made some quality time (never enough, but some) for dearest of friends, with sleepovers, wine, and riding in the trails. Everyone will be missed over the holidays. Sending special extra love to 7. xxx

 (Another special sleepover guest along with his Mama Shark, and also a reminder of just how much the kids want a dog to join Team Roberts)

7. So, Vietnam with Christmas in Japan. Yup, here we come. We'll be updating our Mac Ride blog with our riding adventures.

We're Missing this Girl and her Troops

 We'll see them soon though!
ps - Savvy passed level 5 in the pool this term, and Mac is officially a Sunfish, no longer a Salamander!

These Slides Be Wild!

 They don't look wild, but they really are. Awesome.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Check your boots!

Savvy and her friends love these new things called Shopkins which they play with and trade at school. Shopkins are tiny plastic models of ordinary things, and they have wee faces on them. (Don't get Glen started on what we now refer to as "Poopkins". He hates them. In order to wind Sav up-- he's threatening to draw faces with a sharpie on our real household items to provide her with an improved Shopkin range, and to spare Sav the expenditure in her pocket money.
They really are pretty lame, but don't tell Savvy I said so. I'm trying to be supportive.)

Savvy was playing with her Poopkins at Nana's and gathered them all in her special Poopkin case before hopping in the car to head home.

As we pulled out of the drive-- drama.

"WHERE IS MY FAVOURITE SHOPKIN!?! I'VE LOST IT!!!". Tears, screaming, panic. I try to talk her off the ledge, but this shopkin is really special and worth a serious trade and she is freaking out.

Fast forward through 8 minutes of drama. Mac finally jumps in: "Maybe you left your shopkin at Nana's?".

"NOOOO!!!! I didn't." More drama.

Mac: "But maybe, just maybe you did?"

"NOOOOOOOOOO! Stop saying that, I didn't. It's lost."

This continues.

Mac: "I really think you should stay calm. I bet your shopkin is at Nana's."

Hmmmmmm. I am catching on: "Mac, do you think you might know where Savvy's Shopkin is?"

Mac: "Well, I don't think it's lost. I think it might be at Nana's."

Me: "Mac, tell Savvy about her Shopkin please."

Pause. Finally, just as we are approaching Cambie Village, Mac says, "I bet, just maybe, if you check one of Nana's red boots in her cupboard, you might find that you have left your shopkin in there, at the toe."

Little brothers.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Halloween 2015

 By mega (above)
 By Mac and Mega (above)
 By Aya (above)
 By Sav (above)

Pictures of the "dead sleepover girl" and bee to follow!
Suspicious trick-or-treating ghouls at ours (that's guising ghouls, for Auntie A!).
But a fantastic Candy Fairy.
 Let the Douglas Park Madness begin
