Tuesday 29 April 2008

The WWF Stare Down - Savvy the Savage

I have yet to find the right pic to show the "WWF stare down" Savvy gives after showing you who's boss. Instead I have attached pics where Savvy is at work either rocking her chair while standing on it, and then using it as a zamboni on the wood floor. Here are some scenarios using old fashion words to help explain how she expresses her frustration:

1. Savvy is hungry. She can't manage to put food on her own spoon, but refuses to let you help her. The food isn't very good finger food. After many spoon throws and time-outs, she finally "calms down", grabs the spoon(s) from you, and then makes the motion of eating even though no food is going from the dish to her spoon to her mouth to her tummy. After several "successful" eating cycles during which she pretends to be satisfied, she throws the spoon and gives a WWF stare down. The stare last a few seconds and is very very intense. Sometimes she will trick you into giving her back the spoon with a cute little calm smile, but as soon as it reaches her - Bang, wrong again McMahon - she chucks it and the WWF stare down hits again. Rinse and repeat.

2. Savvy is playing with chop sticks, one weapon in each hand. She wants a cracker, but can't hold a cracker and a chop stick. She tries, it doesn't work, and she gets more and more angry. She is hungry so she finally puts a chop stick down and picks up the cracker. But then, she pauses, thinks about it, puts down the cracker, picks UP the chop stick, chucks it muy aggressively, THEN pics the cracker up. She gives the WWF stare down, and only after the SmackDown and stare, begins to eat.

3. Savvy is drinking water from her sippy cup. She spills it for fun and splashes the water everywhere. We go through a few time-out cycles. She seems to calm down, so we leave her with the cup, make some toast and turn around to check on her. She is holding the sippy cup at an angle - the angle just before the water is about to pour out- waiting for your attention. When she sees you looking, she starts to pour the water out slowly. This is where she gives the continuous WWF stare down, it's the "no look pour and stare". You try to coach the sippy cup back to the upright position. She pauses, but doesn't straighten the cup, just staring, staring and more staring. You take a step toward her and if she sees you are within reach, she CHUCKS the cup on the floor and gives the WWF stare down. King of the Ring.

Luckily, she does seem to be registering that some of her behaviour is genuinely not appropriate, instead of just being confused at how dumb the world is for having these rules about food and water and biting and throwing and poking. Sometimes, after having been given a time-out, she'll take a few moments and then will pick up the thrown item and slowly hand it to you, all the while doing a WWF stare down, but still, we like to think of it as an apology. Also, even when hulk hogan died his tash black and went all evil and bad, wasn't there always a sweet little hulkster inside?

However we feel about the WWF stare down, it beats Savvy's "banging her head against the floor repeatedly" trick which usually happens when "the world" won't free up the tea towel she is trying to play with (since she is sitting on half of it and it is stuck under her own derriere).

For everyone who just comes to the blog for photos...sorry about all the text!

Tuesday 8 April 2008

Savvy Hits One

We had a great birthday party in Kendal for Savannah last Saturday, curtesy of Nonno and Nonna. The highlights:

- Donkey tails were pinned
- Eggs were spooned, raced, hidden, found, traded, and eaten
- Pizza was eaten and then "recyled" later in the evening
- Presents were opened (although Savvy was no where to be seen)
- Many a hydrogenated oil was consumed (Dob made a killer cake)
- Morning after rice cakes were consumed, baby guilt for the food festivities the day before

Many thanks to the party hosts, all the family who attended and gave Savvy such lovely gifts, and to Uncle Rick for pictures of all the chaos. Thank you also to Sunny Kendal for the breaks of sunshine so the young ones (and Uncle Rob) could go outside to play.

Friday 4 April 2008

Glen and Savvy - a Morning Cuddle

Savvy on her way to "school" one day this week, and she and Dob had a cute cuddle.

Eco Blog 6 - The Work Push

Ok, a bit behind for the March blog. But we were on it in spirit, just not on blog. We are both going to push the e thing at work. More more more. The Uni has a sustainability committee so one of us will get on that, and we'll keep trying to get our offices a little greener.

Wednesday 2 April 2008


The little one is up on her feet and loves to freestand on the coffee table for dancing to music. The louder the better.

No sign of walking; just cruising about and loads of shuffling along the bay windows waving to the neighbours, cats, and birds.

Mom and Baby Yoga