Monday 25 June 2012

Mary Queen of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off

After the trip to Linlithgow and a brief history lesson on the "olden days" approach to problem solving, Sav and Zoe made their own queen pictures at home.  Sav opted for the head chopped off version, hair a-flyin'.

Linlithgow Palace and Parade

"When can we dress up as fairies and march through town!?"
Mary Queen of Scots...Queen of Team Roberts, anyhow.
Great show of support from this wee lad for the London Games - torch in mouth and Sir Chris Hoy tribute - lovely.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

MegaDob - Retains "Best Team Roberts Dad Ever" Title...

...but loses out on a podium place in the Olympic MegaDumyat, coming 5th in last night's race.  Summing matters up in his usual brief manner, the local Team Roberts hero said with a shrug, "What can you do - there were four people better than me on the night."
MegaSmith took first.  Delighted for the victor who has essentially won the equivalent of gold at the London Games.  And delighted for new custom made Mega____ hoodie required during 2012 (Steven won the race in years 2, 3, and 4 as well).

Monday 18 June 2012

And that's why they call it the lake district...

It rained. And rained.  And rained some more.  But we still ate, drank, cycled, ditched Sav with Auntie Andrea, and had a great time.  

Sunday 10 June 2012

Scottish Highlands - We Love You

It was meant to rain.  We were a bit reluctant when we came home from work and had to rush to pack the car late Thursday night in the drizzle.  Maybe we should just chill on the couch for a weekend.  Stay local.  Get some rest after a busy month.

Thank goodness Mr Strawberry was already half packed - there was no going back and we hit the road for a fab highland weekend.

Red Squirrel campsite - you never disappoint.

Glencoe - your hills are amazing.

For William Mountain Bike World Cup - you are an awesome event packed with first class British riders (Also, just wait until you see the video of Mega doing backflips on a trick bike into the big pillow..."Your date of birth please?" said the attendant looking for a not-our-fault-if-you-break-your-neck signature.  "WHAT....1975????....well, once we had a guy from 1969...").

Sunshine - thank you for coming out to play.
My little dishwashing assistant.  Things come out "cleanish", but we're not fussy.
Yup, Mac still has a .02 degree variance allowance on his milk temperature.
It doesn't look like 9pm.  But here, jacked on marshmallows and in the evening sun, it is in fact way way way past bedtime.
Tracey Moseley, British World Champ, walks down the course with the Olympic torch (white jersey on left).

 Ash sports the new Scottish Swimming TEAM design.   With a little help from superman.

One More From EICA - To Show Off the Scale

Sav is the wee freen dot in the middle wall at the top. Glen is in the blue T down low low low.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Biggest in the whole of the wide world

Yup, Savvy went for it on the rock climbing wall after a glittery soap making session at Honey Pots next door.  Thank you Ratho, Edinburgh's Climbing Arena - the largest in the world.  Then off to the fair for candy floss and blue lips before Mom's swimming event.
What about Sunday?  Strawberry picking (Mac wore his helmet all day (?), even for his nap).  Followed by a lovely bbq chez mr. tim in Dunblane - love all the bikers.

Saturday 2 June 2012

Goodnight Lanzarote

The sun has set on Lanzarote and we are all smiles about the great trip.
Lessons learned:

Mac is afraid of pigeons, gentle waves, and shadows.  He has a rapid fire throwing arm and will sacrifice the yummiest of watermelon to make a point.

Sav can become extremely (and a little bit worryingly) attached to an inflatable dragon.  She had to part with Sophie Allan, in the end.  The separation cost us many tears, and 5 euros worth of special straws.  Could have been worse.

Special shout out to Nonno and Caldero for all the blog comments.  And to the now and again commenters. And the silent followers too, we know you are out there, all three of you.

A Jellyfish, a Shark and a Mermaid Walk into a Pub...


 5m...6m...8m...10m...and the rest... eek, says the mermaid filming from above.

This might have been "sting day".  Two weeks later and the burn/itch on Dob's arm is as bad as every despite all the creams, potions and pills!

Snorkel kiss.  These are the dorky things you have time to do when you ditch Mac at nursery and Sav at the Football Academy.  During the same time slot, of course.
Ditch the kit, boys.
Hello Angel Shark, my rare friend. Thanks for sharing a lovely swim.

Friday 1 June 2012

Starting to Wrap up on Lanzarote

We're home now, safe, sound, and relatively well rested after a cushy all inclusive.
We all ate a lot from the buffet, but here's what we all think we'd turn into based on our intake:

Savvy: Croissant ("Come look, Mom, it's shaped like a perfect totsy croissant!" Sav shouts looking down from her seat on the public toilet for all to hear.)
Mac: Watermelon and contraband chocolate spread (accompanied by flying forks a le Swedish Chef)
Mom:  Ice cream and kiwi (80:20)
Dad: Liquid (lovely beer on tap...all day)