Friday 1 June 2012

Starting to Wrap up on Lanzarote

We're home now, safe, sound, and relatively well rested after a cushy all inclusive.
We all ate a lot from the buffet, but here's what we all think we'd turn into based on our intake:

Savvy: Croissant ("Come look, Mom, it's shaped like a perfect totsy croissant!" Sav shouts looking down from her seat on the public toilet for all to hear.)
Mac: Watermelon and contraband chocolate spread (accompanied by flying forks a le Swedish Chef)
Mom:  Ice cream and kiwi (80:20)
Dad: Liquid (lovely beer on tap...all day)


Leslie Calder said...

love ALL the photos!!!! Especially love the long hair on the wee ones! Glad you folk got a great 2 week vacation! xoxo

Nonno said...

Great hols., speak to you when you surface.

Unknown said...

Looks like you had a dreadful time!!