Tuesday 30 June 2009

Independence and Identity

The wee one has left babyhood in the dust and is 2 going on 20. The signs:

- I am now “Mom” instead of Mommy. The odd “Ashley” also gets thrown in.

- Bladder control: She splits up a single pee into multiple potty sessions (so far she has hit a maximum of 8). We have to dish out a chocolate chip per potty pee and we have yet to find a way to change the rules. Savage takes all, the dealer loses.

- She has discovered that possession is nine-tenths of the law. "I hold it; I hold it". If Dad does not allow her item x, she will ask for it to go to Mom whom she then approaches for said item. If that fails, she comes up very close, looks right into your eyes and very sweetly asks that item x goes to her baby doll.

- She can zoom solo on the death slide (flying fox)...standing up...one handed....leaning back... tilting head to let the wind catch her hair.

- She can ride her bike to school and back.

- She asks to play “baby”.
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Sunday 21 June 2009

Brave Heart

Savvy's re-enactment of Brave Heart

"Charge - the English are coming"

Savvy's battle training.
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Saturday 20 June 2009

Podium Finish at the Mega

The second annual Mega Dumyat took place last week on a wet thursday evening. As you know, “Dob” became “MegaDob” in 2008 after he took gold in the inaugural elite race. This year, he called in at home at 10pm after the finish, face covered in mud, still steaming with sweat, and his bottom lip curled down. The poor lad had been defeated. Commenting on the race, MegaDob said:
"I was first down the mountain as I had expected. It was on the road leading to mine woods where my legs failed me. First it was Steven who passed [fierce competitor and 4th place finisher in 2008], and then former racer, Stewart. I just couldn't keep up".

MegaD would normally go straight to the pub after his ride, so why the pit stop chez Stanley House? To collect the trophy for handover to the new champion. MD added:

"It hurts to come third, but I am chuffed for Steven. He's worked really hard for this all year and it couldn't have happened to a nicer DB."
When fans shouted on the bronze medal winner to ask whether he would still retain his “MegaDob” title, he finished:

“You kidding? Once a MegaDob, always a MegaDob”.

Mega Dob in Mine Woods.

Sunday 14 June 2009

Friday 12 June 2009

Keilder 2009

(for non u-tubers, press HQ and then the full screen button)

Tuesday 9 June 2009

The Swing

How do you like to go up in a swing, up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing ever a child can do!
Up in the air and over the wall, till I can see so wide,
Rivers and trees and cattle and all over the countryside---
Till I look down on the garden green, down on the roof so brown---
Up in the air I go flying again, up in the air and down!

I was at the park yesterday with Savvy (who is now, you can see, on the big swings) and the mom beside me was pushing her wee boy (2, maybe 3) who asked: "swing poem mommy". The mom then recited the above poem by Robert Louis Stevenson with ease and the boy joined in at the end.

I knew that Stevenson had been inspired to write Treasure Island while in the Bridge, but didn't know he also visited for over 20 summers, writing one of his poetry books while enjoying the Bridge's lovely views and walks.

Anyway, the mom/boy combo was most extraordinary....I think her boy may soon be in the advanced english class and Sav will be asked to stick to PE.

Sunday 7 June 2009

London 2009

Savvy was treated to some excellent Autie Sha Sha and Uncle Ty love and care this weekend in London. Notting Hill, Islington, Chelsea...many a lovely neighbourhood were roamed. If only we had the means to partake in the antiquing and shopping in the vintage boutiques.

There were snacks, meals, desserts and plenty of vino for all.

There were cola bottles and dinosaurs, planes, buses, and choo choos (oy, the tube stairs and a pram do not mix).

There were trips to the toilet, hand washing of pants, and pee chat galore (Sav is toilet training).

There was shopping for saucy tops, linen trousers, and a magical dress. No Think! shoes (this time), but still - le pauvre wallet.

And, there was a lovely session sans Sav for Ty, Dob and I to go to Billy Elliot, which was excellent (thank you Sha Sha for four hours of freedom!)

Savvy misses you both already and was shouting on you during our plane journey home. She also wishes to offer congratulations to Shark for recently winning a special prestigious journalism award - good luck in Washington Auntie Sha Sha!
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Wednesday 3 June 2009

Family Day

We had a wicked day at S' fav new park in Dunblane (see inspired slides below). Then a patio dinner in the Bridge. Dob needs to make a vid of the tackling, wrestling, and ball play that took place on the restaurant lawn. No words can describe...

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Monday 1 June 2009

Christmas in June

The salesman told us that the potted Christmas tree we bought last year could be replanted, despite the tag saying no go. We took a chance.

She served us well throughout December and was replanted in the front garden after New Year's. January seemed ok but by February things weren't looking great. By April, the tree was brown, thin and very ill. We thought she was a goner. She obviously had different plans.

May was a big turnaround month and now June is here, and we are confident she is going to make it.

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
How steadfast are your branches.
Your boughs are green in summer's clime
And through the snows of wintertime.
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
How steadfast are your branches.
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