Sunday 31 October 2010

Preparations Continue

Savvy carved her own pumpkin this year - from start to finish. It wasn't suppose to be that way but Glen went to the workshop for tools and came back to Savvy with a large "adult"carving knife in hand, sawing out two eyes in her pumpkin. After that, there was no convincing her that a more child friendly tool would be better - she'd had a slice of the good life. Not the safest story from the blog, but the girl's got a pretty steady hand.

Excited for tonight...
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Saturday 30 October 2010

Glen or Savvy?

Round one of the game of who said what: Glen or Savvy?

1. Excuse me please, I need to do some important chores now.
2. I have so had my vegetable today - cocoa!
3. I'll just send this email and then I need to meet my work colleagues.
4. You're not my best friend any more - not until Christmas.

(answers: 1. Savvy. 2. Glen. 3. Savvy. 4. Trick question - we're all saying it now)

Tuesday 26 October 2010


In great anticipation for next Sunday, Savvy has done up the flat. Not really a believer in "too much of a good thing", there are spider webs everywhere, and no shortage of beasts and scary picken chox spots (sadly, now almost gone, a week too soon to frighten the other children). Savvy can do a great witch's cackle and even the doll house is haunted.

Indian Princess costume was put to the test when we had a new visitor last night. Welcome baby Jessica! Sav was in heaven.
As for MegaMommy, I have now lost interest in bending down to pick things up - a tea towel, a toy, a ten pound note. But all goes well.
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Monday 25 October 2010


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Trail building

Sav had a brilliant day in the woods trail building with Dad and the lads. The first bridge in the pic, we put up a couple of years ago. But I've been after something for the second patch for ages and there it is!
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Saturday 23 October 2010

I Love Jessie

Savvy had such a great time in Kendal. She'd be pleased with a little brother or sister, but after a good few days with Jess, I think she'd trade a young one in for an older!
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Sunday 17 October 2010

Do you see what I see?

Is it the bonus round of flowers from our pots, even though it's already mid Oct? - Nope
Is it the painted doll house inside - a project which Savvy supervised with authoritarian rule before the Delhi trip? - Nope
Is it the beautifully refreshed window sills - all stripped and repainted before the winter madness? YES!
Good job DIY Gal - Elaine. We love her work and will always turn to her for Hope Street and Bridge of Allan house projects. But we also love her cause she's a smoking rider and gives Dob a run for his money on the trails. Which is good to keep the Mega from MegDob in healthy check.

In other news, great to be home and great to have Dob and Savvy back from Kendal. Savvy had an excellent time and has come back with some cracking quotes such as, "It's ok that this jumper is rubbish because I am going to Kendal for my Birthday and Auntie Andrea is going to take me shopping and buy me lots of new things" and "Tilley was naughty even when Nonno had her on the lead. She's to go in the time out corner all the time. That's where I use to be all the time, but not anymore".
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Wednesday 13 October 2010

Picken Chox

Poor Savvy not looking her best.

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Saturday 9 October 2010

Target Achieved!

I am sure there will be much to debrief upon and loads of discussion on major events, developing nations, and the future of the Games. But in the meantime - Yay! The swimming is finished and we achieved our medal target of 7 with all those expected to get on the podium delivering in some form or another (including two gold, highest currency by a long shot). Tomorrow is a day to rest and recover from the sleepless schedule we keep while supporting our team. Very proud of the athletes and their coaches.
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Friday 8 October 2010

Delhi outside the venues and the hotel

Buzzing streets
Beautiful fabrics
Something to drink? Hot?
or cold?

Big night tomorrow as the swimming comes to an end. Missing Dob and Savvy - poor little soldier has the chicken pox and single dad has been doing a stellar job keeping her right. Now he's passing her on to the Kendal Crew while he goes on a course, or as Sav says: "to Daddy Nursery". Thank's team Kendal!
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Tuesday 5 October 2010

From Delhi

Can't resist carrying over this work pic to the home blog - it is, after all, Prince Edward in the pic while at the Games in Delhi.
I do not tell a lie - he said both "Jolly Good" and "Cheerio". Couldn't have made me happier in delivering on the posh accent either. He was very witty and kind throughout the racing, I have to say. Too bad he missed Robbie's beautiful gold the next night...he had (semi) promised to cheer for the Scots!
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