Thursday 27 June 2019

Coco - We love you

Rocket's Best Friend moved this week. To Calgary.
It will never be the same.

Oh yes, we will miss the humans that come with Coco too :).

Whistler MBA Dorks and Mac Ride Work Trip

We filmed some super rock starts with Mac Ride.
We had awesome family time.
And we had a blast with our sweet, funny, smart friends.
Whistler 2019 - full success!

Loads of swimming and dock time.
 Love riding with Sav.

Team Herts and Team Roberts on the dock!

Yoann - Katrina - Anna


Bear Mountain is Beautiful

 Some good riding in preparation for Whistler.
Just lovely.

Grade 6, See Ya!

Grade 6 wrapped up with smiles from Savannah. It was a rough start to the year, but a strong finish.
It was a sweet season for the Red Pandas. Again, we lucked out big time on the coaches for Sav's team and she had a blast playing first base and right field. What a lovely team!
Madame Couture was another superstar teacher for Sav, helping her find her strengths in the new world of middle school. Wood work and gym were Sav's favourite courses, and she nailed it on the school volleyball and ultimate teams.
Glen went as the parent helper with Savannah on the class camping trip for 3 nights of glorious fun last week. Glen was impressed with the team building skills the kids did together on the camp, and plus, there was tubing so...

And difficult news from the community--
The year had a painful, difficult, tragic element as it wrapped up, with the Lansdowne grade 8 kids being at camp after a windstorm. A terrible accident with a falling tree killed one of the sweet boys and injured another. Oh so very sad.

That is a wrap on Grade 2 for Mac!

 Mac had a great year. Finished up Spring Ball with awesome coaches on the Astros.
And lucked out big time with an A+ teacher, Madame Davis. She shares Mac's love of parkour, silly sentences, and fashion.

Saturday 1 June 2019

Ball Season

We are in full ball season for both kids. That means LOADS of practices and games, and LOADS of volunteering (field prep, score keeping, concession, snacks). Mac helped me out one night while I was on concession during Sav's game...making candy bags. 8 year old heaven.

Scotland and Deep Fried Mars Bars

Sav is on a roll with some of her school work. She has done a large block on Scotland recently and prepared deep fried Mars Bars for school. Tasty.