Thursday 29 September 2016

Was it our Birthday? Or Nana's?

 We were back on the mainland for Nana's Birthday. Except she made us dinner. Then she took the kids for the day while Glen and I rode with Buttercup. Hope it's Nana's Birthday again soon!!!

This is a bad shot of the fam. But it shows how BRIGHT it was outside for our lunch in Sidney on the way back to Oak Bay. September has been sensational. Also, night smidge of Mt Baker in the USA in the background.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

It's happening at the Dewd!

We are getting more and more settled in our new home, the Dewd.
There are shelves and couches that will take another 8-10 weeks to arrive. We have an ongoing shed challenge. And there is an art situation that needs sorting. But we are getting there.
No matter the loose ends, things will feel pretty finished once this bad boy is complete.

We've been eating at the local spots, roaming at the beach, and getting stuck in with gymnastics and soccer, meeting loads of new friends. It's a beautiful neighbourhood, there is no doubt about that.
 Willows Beach and Uplands Park in Oak Bay
Mac and Sav at "the Village", our delicious local breakfast/lunch spot in Estevan. Pooch and Peanut were out for French toast too. Seems to be a return to the pretend baby theme for Sav, and Mac is going along for the ride...perhaps comforting during so much transition?

A compliment from Mac

Random moment with Mackinley on the couch:

Mac-- "Mom, you are the opposite of bum."

Me-- "Thank you, Mac, how sweet!" (Hmmm...what made him think of that particular angle, I wonder?)

Mac-- "Here, let me help" (Mac then starts stuffing my fleshy muffin top into my be fair, the jeans were tight and we were sitting!).

 (Our young kindie at Sir James Doug with Mrs Ross the Boss. Cool school.)