Monday 24 November 2014

KOM (King of the Mountain)

MegaDob came home from a ride, all chuffed: I'm King of the Mountain! (KOM for the cool kids)

Ashley: Huh?

Mega: On Strava.

Ashley: Huh?

Mega: On the app that tracks your time on certain routes and shares your time with any one using the app, Strava

Ashley: That's great Mega. On what trail are you KOM?

Mega: A secret trail, on Burnaby mountain.

Ashley: A secret trail?

Mega: Yeah, it's not marked on the map.

Ah well, a secret trail but still his first (Canadian) KOM-- congrats MegaDob!

I don't know that this vid requires much explanation...

Monday 17 November 2014

Ode to a Shark

What else could a white board wall be for...?


 Failed Yaletown Selfie...toddler issues
 More success with the swing

Post Brunch Play with Lynnie and Kevin

This was pre big Mac tumble with bruised shoulder and bleeding head. Not to worry, no blood gushing and the skin was easy to push back together. No dizziness or vomiting. But he is sleeping in our bed tonight just to make sure he is A ok. Poor wee Mac!

Wednesday 5 November 2014

TBird Frenzy at UBC

 Our men's volleyball assistant coach, training Mac in hoops and VB!

Halloween 2014

School Parties:

 And the night time festivities. Douglas Park-- you don't disappoint!

Meanwhile, back at base, Nana, Lynnie and Kevin were toilet papering the house and handing out sweets!