Tuesday 30 June 2009

Independence and Identity

The wee one has left babyhood in the dust and is 2 going on 20. The signs:

- I am now “Mom” instead of Mommy. The odd “Ashley” also gets thrown in.

- Bladder control: She splits up a single pee into multiple potty sessions (so far she has hit a maximum of 8). We have to dish out a chocolate chip per potty pee and we have yet to find a way to change the rules. Savage takes all, the dealer loses.

- She has discovered that possession is nine-tenths of the law. "I hold it; I hold it". If Dad does not allow her item x, she will ask for it to go to Mom whom she then approaches for said item. If that fails, she comes up very close, looks right into your eyes and very sweetly asks that item x goes to her baby doll.

- She can zoom solo on the death slide (flying fox)...standing up...one handed....leaning back... tilting head to let the wind catch her hair.

- She can ride her bike to school and back.

- She asks to play “baby”.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well at least you have missed out the teens, we are at 15 at the mo and I am sure we will hit 16, 17, 18 and 19. Hopefully the real teens will be easier/better(just like mine) x