Tuesday 4 February 2014

Classic Sick Mom is...

Classic Sick Mom is...

1. Glen leaving on a week long trip
2. Me getting sick the day he leaves-- very sick
3. Savvy and Mac getting sick and having to be off school/nursery
4. Savvy coming home and barfing from the front door, down the hall, all the way to the toilet WHILE Mac takes off his trousers and announces he needs the toilet as he pees all over the living room floor
5. Me trying to work while sick and with the kids at home, and taking Sav to a work meeting which I had moved to Starbucks near us, so she could colour in the corner in her PJs while I tried my best to be competent
6. Us leaving for a long weekend in Whistler, almost too sick to travel, but still committed to hitting the mountain in the morning, then getting even more sick because of it!

Ack. It was a hard week. Thank frick hubba hubba Glen is home!

Thanks to Nana, Lynnie and Lynnea for helping us through.

1 comment:

Nonno said...

Ge well soon