Thursday 9 April 2015

Special Things for Special Comfort

For Savvy, it was her precious Heely's from Nana

For Mac, it is the wonderful Wonder Woman. 

Obsessed with female superheroes, is our Mac. And he asks some pretty darn great questions too:

Where are all the women Superheroes?
Where are they, really really really, where are they? 
So....look, look at this....see...there 8 SuperMEN on my book cover, but only 1 SuperWOMAN!?

Before we jump to the conclusion that Mac is a budding feminist, let me clarify:

He is not worried about the inequality of the matter. He really just wants to know where they are...he thinks they are in different books, in different cities, in different forms, but he believes they are out there and just need to be found. 
If only.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

MAC, I'M OVER HERE - super, amazing, wonderful auntie A x