Tuesday 3 November 2009

Trick or Treat

We had a great Halloween weekend in Kendal...
The rain stopped for the headless MegaDob to hit the streets with our clan for some trick or treating. It was crazy.
The kids had hot dogs and spider cakes and candy candy candy -
"I neeeeeeeeeeeed some more".
The adults had delicious tartiflette (some of us had thirds).
Great Grandma watched some dancing, but then was edged out for the Factor (sorry Grandma).
Thanks for hosting Auntie Andrea and thanks for having us Nonna and Nonno!

The kids and their loot. Sav of course took the time to claim an extra sweet for baby and was pretty chuffed to have storage in her burrowed stroller for the extra goods.
Dob pile!!!
Queen Jessie in her lovely room. Happy Birthday Jess!


Nonno said...

There is going to be an enquiry into what happened to Savvys sweets???????

Unknown said...

Did someone mention Savvys sweets???? I didn't stash any sweets on my kitchen shelves or in empty wine glasses??? But I did find them heeheehee, boil boil bubble & trouble.