Friday 21 October 2011

Slobber, mud, milk and music

You can see Mac's wet suit from drool, but I couldn't get the camera to capture the giant puddle on the floor. Giant. Puddle.

A nice sunny day for a solo walk. But man the recent heavy constant punishing rain has muddied up the trails. Slip and sludge.

Mac masters the one handed feed. Pretty amazing since it wasn't that long ago that he looked at a bottle in disgust.

Meanwhile, Savvy masters the quiet button on Nonna's keyboard. Much to our relief. Lessons soon, we think.
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Nonno said...

X factor here we come.

Unknown said...

Hey mac, I can do the one handed bottle feed too(but into a glass first).
Sav you could join the tipping band & we could all enter/win the 'x factor'. We would have 2 guitarist, a violinist and a pianist but no singer.......looks like we could win lol.