Monday 2 May 2011

Blue Skies, Purple Choppers, and Red Squirrels

It's always sad on the last night of a great camping trip. Cool box is empty, clothes are a bit mank, and the marshmallow roasting sticks are broken up to use in the final hour of the fire that Mega's kept burning since we arrived. But even after a few sleepless nights on a burst thermarest, there's no complaining from Team Roberts. We had an amazing sunny, midgie-free trip to Glencoe staying at our favourite Red Squirrel campsite. The highlight was Macavalanche - Scotland's second Megavalanche copy (after the Megadumyat). A separate blog will feature Glen and Iain's big race amongst Britain's elite riders, with a chopper ride to the top of the lift (yes, the chopper was purple).
As for the camping - 10/10:
Travelling light in Mr. Strawberry (Sav has named the car).
A fair amount of time spent in this chair, feeding the monster - he giggles by day and wakes by night. Can't believe he's four months old today!
Classic Scottish landscape - amazing.
Sav pondering life.
We didn't mind the wind - made for noisy nights in the tent, but kept the bugs away.
One of the rare moments Mac was asleep in the tent.
Lovely forest walks.
And parks.
Hello - cute.
About to go for a ride. Sav living it up on the site.
Soothing Mackinley takes precedence over Sav's other baby.
Sav's first shuttle run. I was waiting at the other side with Mac in Mr Strawberry.
Wearing Dad's number with pride.

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