Saturday 11 September 2010

What's Up with Sav?

What's up with Sav?

1. She can put on her own socks, shoes, gloves, helmet and back pack
2. She's riding the 1km to school and back - no more complaining on the hill.
3. Dry nights (mostly).
4. She has started a number of lessons: Little tigers, tennis, and swimming. Watches from the side, and then does everything on her own beside the lesson. (Soon maybe!?...It's getting a bit expensive...)
5. Favourite phrase: "That's not fair!" (in our defense, she doesn't really understand what "fair" means)
6. Most impressive phrase: "Well done, Mommy. I'm very very impressed!"
7. Favourite colour: yes, still purple.

In other news, Nana has had a terrible chest infection/pneumonia, but we understand from Auntie L that she is on the up, very good news indeed. Rest up, Nana! x
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