Wednesday 12 December 2007

Eco Blog Number 3 - Cleaning Green

Our third eco move requires a serious clear out of the cupboard below the kitchen sink.

Bleaches, drainos, windex - be gone!

Once these bad boys are used up, our cleaning cupboard is going to join our green(ish) laundry/dishwasher soaps - either using all the new e-brands that have hit the supermarchets, or homemade stuff.

The web is full of recipes. Most seem to be based on varying combinations of baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice, salt, and warm water. All that stuff's gotta be better for planet earth than our current collection of hazardous agents.

We'll let you know how we get on. How many lemons will it take to clean savvy's nappy bin!? Can Ashley actually tear herself away from her new found love for fabric softener? Will bridge of allan mud budge just because we added a bit of salt or toothpaste to our baking soda and lemon juice fusion? Is 40 really the new 90 when it comes to water washing temperatures?

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