Saturday 17 October 2015

The Kids- Fall 2015 Update

Thing 1
One kid is racing from school to XC meets, to piano, to soccer, to dictee...
Savvy is still adjusting from the chilled nature of summer to the intense schedule of the school year.
And adding to the pressure, she is getting ready for a new school in January. Yup, we're taking the plunge and going from the amazing Trafalgar, to the amazing Ecole Bilingue. Both are French, both are fantastic, but the latter is a heck of a lot closer (well, it will be once the new venue is built) and a spot in grade 3 has opened up. If Sav is there, Mac will get to go there too, if he ever agrees to attend school, which right now is at 90/10 in favour of a lifetime of lego.
So school number 4 in 3 years...I don't think we're winning any parent-of-the-year awards for that one, but here's hoping she settles nicely.

Think 2
Another kid is wearing jammies to nursery, lounging on the trampoline in the afternoons, and clinging in delight to his pre-school days. Mac enjoys winding up his sister (hiding her journal, taking unauthorised pictures with her camera, jumping in her bed with his pal when she's not home...the usual), eating mac and cheese, fighting, and lego. He's also exploring with language:

  •  Reading (3 letter words are his forte)
  • Rhyming ("I don't want to go to bed, you led ped, why don't you go instead, and I'll go to the shed and shake my head" etc)
  • Naughty words: "That gross dinner is the S word!" (Then, he leans in to whisper "stupid"). Shut up is another one, the old "Sh word".

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