Monday 3 August 2015

Whistler Epic-- Time with my Little Ones

In between the visits, the riding, the water gun fights, the swimming pool, the parks, and the village excursions with Team Nielsen, I had some wonderful chill time with my little ones. We read stories at night, sleeping 10-12 hours a night, waking for snuggles and jokes before either heading to the Nielsen campervan for breakfast or to the cafe. So peaceful.  
 Photo taken by Chris D, who helped us settle in and free up the moms for some sweet trails.

 The pretend-to-drink-Mom's cappuccino joke never gets old...
 So I left the kids alone for 20 minutes while offsite for the first time ever. Thought I'd take my chances with a river and the bears rather than traffic and creepy predators of the human variety. I raced to Nester's and back on Gemma for lunch groceries and when I came back, expecting sibling war, they were grinning inside the tent, chuffed at having made the beds and tidied the tent. Beauty!
Mac's big treat was a supersoaker. Sav's was the yellow floaty. Cherished Whistler purchases.
 Was a big climb up around the trails of Lost Lake, even for Sav and Pere Noel.
 My two favourite pics from the trip, above and below. Love.

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