Wednesday 1 January 2014

Who is the Fanciest Person of the Night (Hint - it's not Aunt Lynnie)

Aunt Lynnie is still dusting herself off after a brutal blow. Wee Sav was in charge of ranking us in order of fanciness on Christmas night. Aunt Lynnie is usually a shoe in, the main contender, a sure bet.

Either Sav had a moment of weakness (slash pity) for her Dad, or the red shirt and saucy belt genuinely won her over - who knows- but as you can see from his championship pose - MEGADOB took first prize!

If you're not first, you're last. Sorry Aunt Lynnie.
To add to the staple-through-finger trauma, here's Savvy recovering from my having singed her thumb with a curling iron. (Sorry Savvy...not a great lesson for a young one about the cost of silly beauty...or is it!?)
For the record, I was fourth. 


Unknown said...

What about Nana Francie, surely she was a contender?
I'm guessing it was pity, she wouldn't have voted for her handsome wee brother, sisters just don't do that!!!!

Maman said...

Nana didn't even make it into the playoffs. It was probably the apron that did her in.

Maman said...

Nana didn't even make it into the playoffs. It was probably the apron that did her in.

Unknown said...

Nana doing all the cooking wins her the real first prize!

Unknown said...

Nana doing all the cooking wins her the real first prize!