Thursday 27 June 2013

Lightning McQueen

Mac is Lightning McQueen mad.

Where's Lightning? Need Lighting! No, not without Lightning.
(Have to admit, Lighting does have a fair amount of "sizzle"!)

So I wasn't surprised when ....

I was at the library with Mac for story and song time.
The librarian-singer started with Old McDonald.
Old McDonald had a farm, E I E I O.
And on that farm there was a ??? (camon children, join in!?)

Mac: CAR!!!

The librarian-singer went through about 8 (painfully repetitive) verses of that (let's face it, kind of annoying) song. Every time:

...was a ?

Mac: CAR!!!


Nonno said...

With a peep peep here, and a peep peep there, here a peep there a peep, everywhere a peep peep!!!!!!!!!!

Nonno said...
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Unknown said...

Well every farm I go past has a car on it!!!

Unknown said...

Well every farm I go past has a car on it!!!