Monday 25 February 2013

Whistler 2013 - Team LIA Reunites on the Slopes!

Team Nielsen and Team Roberts joined forces for a weekend in Whistler.  I was a bit of a downer with a nasty flu/sinus infection and a nastier still fall on the slopes that left my tail bone seriously bruised and aching.  But the party carried on with the huge support of Dob, PBC and FT (thank you all!).  Not to mention Whistler Kids Camp and a Sat night babysitter...


Nonno said...

Good week-end, good weather, good friends, what more can you have??

Unknown said...

Hi Glen, Ash, Savvie and Mac
I have been asking Iain for weeks if he has heard from you guys, so have taken matters into my own hands! Have just caught up on your blog and so glad to hear everything is going well in Van. We miss you all lots and think of you often. The weather here has finally turned and it feels like spring is on it's way. MacBoab has been out burning the rock hard trails and Iain had a bivvy out last week but had to do it solo as noone else would brave the chilly weather, he misses his bivvy bud very much! How is job hunting/finding a new home going? We are about to embark on another stage of house renovations within the next few weeks and then hopefully can start to put our house back together, can't wait. Wishing you all great adventures and looking forward to reading about them. Lots of love and best wishes

The McKenna's xxxx