Friday 5 October 2012

Update on the kids

Let's start with Savvy. She's gone through the largest transformation.  She's quite pleasant to be around, very interesting and full of sparkle.  The fighting has eased and she seems to want to listen to new information before making a decision.  She loves school and practises reading and writing at every opportunity.  She can do the front crawl with bilateral breathing but still loves going down the chute at Alloa pool and playing underwater rockets with her dad above and beyond laps.  Her feet have grown from an 11 to a 12.5 in the last few months.  Giant flipper troll feet, Glen calls them.  Despite her mature approach, Sav still has an active imagination.  She told her swim teacher she wasn't in P1 yet and so I got told off collecting her one night since the level she's at is for school children only.  She told us she sits at a desk alone at school since the others children disturb her.  Glen went to our parent/teacher session and it turns out Sav's never sat alone before (they are at a group table).  When parents see me at the school ground, they have learned to fact check before dipping into a conversation.  The move to Canada has them all on their toes since they expect me to say: She says we're moving to Canada?! Ha! Na!!!

Mac is a wee bear cub, cuddling and giggling his way through life.  He wakes up shouting for his cars and has added playing with little figurines to the mix.  Mac loves going on the bike and is distraught when Sav heads out with one of us, helmet on, and he's to stay back.  Glen or I can come home and the other 3 will often be sitting about the flat in our helmets, just chilling.  Mac also roams about in shoes of all kind - but not size 12.5.  His feet are tiny.  Mac can say, Vannah, to shout on his sister.  He strokes your cheek gently looking you in the eyes when he wants to say sorry and he's a complete sweetheart on the empathy front. Glen bumped his head the other night and Mac reached for his own head and started to cry and cry and cry, running over to make sure MegaDob was ok.  Lovely.

1 comment:

Nonno said...

(ツ)_/¯ I told you they were normal, enjoy and long may it last.