Monday 20 August 2012

Finished with a forest walk

 Boy in a tree.  Ok, it's MegaDob.
Think Sav could have hung out in the river all day.

All in all a fab trip. Tippings/Dobsons are still going strong at the site, and we are hoping for dry so they don't miss the gazebo and so they can continue to enjoy frisbee guts, tennis games, and all the other antics they get up to!


Unknown said...

We did think you may feel sorry for us and return with the gazebo, but you didn't!!!!! did you not see the rain as you left?? We have now rigged up a new shelter, tied to the tree and we have claimed ownership of the wooden bench. after you left we cycled to aberfoyle, all of us plus Tilly in nonos backpack & Benny pulled me there and back.

Nonno said...

Great blog of a great holiday, rain yes, but, does that put us off, well maybe, pick London next year. Thanks for all the arranging Auntie Andrea.