Sunday 29 July 2012

London Baby!

After a very long wait, here we are in London.  GB in the pool today featured loads of Scots.  Not everything went to plan, but some great stuff along the way.
 Derna does the home baking back at base.
 At the pool.
 Shark and Ty also at the pool - looking gorgeous on their 11th anniversary here in London.
 Kobe Bryant (NBA) sits a few rows ahead of us at the finals this evening.  (The Queen appeared in the morning but was too far for any good pics with my phone.  This time, she arrived on foot and not by jumping from the 007 chopper).
We got some sunshine today (suppose to be our last!?) and enjoyed every minute, even with the evil sponsor in the background.  Lynn escaped the Olympic park to hit the tate and hopefully recover from her jet lag.  Heats tomorrow - early start!
Head here for more worky photos: 


Leslie Calder said...

Jealous of you folk being at the Olympics. Congrats to Ty & Shelly. I like that they spend their 11th with #11! I was looking for you folk during the coverage of the games. I see the Queen was visiting the UK team. Did you meet her? She was awesome at the ceremonies with the parachute drop & hanging out with Bond. Ohhhhh, I hope you see Roger Federer there. Oh, that would be incredible!!

Nonno said...

Good to luck to all, hope to see on the TV at the pool.