Thursday 26 January 2012

Happy Burns Day!

A day late but still. Seems right to post our nerdy Burns red jumper shot with the Scottish country in a state over National independence.

This is Team Roberts the day before "the juggling show". Something Savvy has created from start to finish and involves her and MegaDob heading to the Macrobert centre tomorrow, stealing a stage and busking with a crazy routine they've practised. It involves forward rolls, yoyos, juggling (of course), and "something for the young ones too" as Savvy describes it. Managing Savvy's expectations has been tricky. She keeps inviting folk to "the show" and we're really worried she's expecting 100s with popcorn and lights.

More on Sav - she's doing great with her vocab:

- Oh, how magnificent!
- That one in particular
- What are the consequences
-But potato is still "tato" (second "t" optional).

Mac is starting to get a bit cheeky. Doesn't like being told off (bursts into floods of tears).
We call him the Swedish Chef from the muppets as he is always throwing bits and pieces wildly over his shoulder, one cheerio at a time. He can walk short distances with a wee walker but is showing no signs of wanting to let go. No rush, little guy.
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1 comment:

Nonno said...

Where can I get tickets for the show.