Monday 26 December 2011

Nonno Rescues Me in Caravanland…twice!

Christmas morning: The shower at Nonno's fades to cold.  Nonno rushes to my rescue and changes the propane tank double quick. (No pic:)
Christmas night:  A chilly night at Barbara and George's where we are staying (here is a pic of me getting ready for sleep).  Heat won't come on.  Nonno comes over in stormy weather to have a look and realises it's the propane.  He changes B&G's tank and the warmth comes quickly.

I am assured that this rarely happens, so a bit surprised that it happened to me twice in one day - Christmas day, no less. Message from Santa?

Thank you to Barbara and George for a great stay in your lovely home away from home.

1 comment:

Nonno said...

What a great Christmas to see all the family except the Southampton clan, but maybe next year.