Saturday 19 November 2011

The Incher, the Drizzler, and the Poo Eater

Wee Mac is doing very very well slithering about the house and getting stuck into every corner, every basket, and every dusty, dangerous nook he can find.  He can inch up and over little mountains of toys and clothes, and then he drizzles down the other side.  Soon (we hope) he will build the muscles to lift his tummy off the floor.

Meanwhile, I came home from work yesterday and Sav shouted excitedly: "Mac ate a malteser! Mac ate a malteser!". But it was obviously a wee joke between she and Mega. Turns out, Dob gave Mac some naked time, he did his business on the floor and... you see where this is headed.   Maybe Mac won't get much stronger on a diet of poo.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Savvy, Mac, your dad had maltesers in Oban swimming pool when he was wee & the man had to come & fish them out with a net, ask him about it LOL :-)