Friday 15 July 2011

When Rambo is Wronged

If you have been reading the blog, you will know that Sav is charming and lovely, quick and sharp, and...
very very challenging (although apparently not for Aunties and Uncles...just Mom and Dad).

But Sav is no more Savage than when you think she's done something offside, and she actually hasn't.

You suggest she hasn't actually washed her hands, but she has.
You hint that maybe she did take the toy off the boy after all, but she didn't.
You enforce a "consequence" which she feels is out of proportion with the crime committed, and on reflection, it is.
In any case:
She will sumo charge you and knock you down like a waif.
Dish out inescapable multiple kicks to the shin (right in the soft spot).
And her nails will come out rapid fire like a machine gun.

Glen calls it When Rambo is Wronged.

1 comment:

Sage the Dog said...

When did Dob get that gun and headband?!?