Thursday 3 February 2011

Epidemiology for Toddlers

Savvy still calls chicken pox, picken chox. While she can't get the name right, she's doing some clever digging into epidemiology:

Sav: Who gave me picken chox?
Mom: Your friend, William.
Sav: Who gave him picken chox?
Mom: I think it was one of his friends at nursery.
Sav: And who gave it to them?
Mom: I am not sure.
Sav: What would happen if no one in the whole world had it to pass on?
Mom: ??? (Would it die out or live dormant and resurface???)
Sav: What if we had medicine to make sure no one could catch it? Then who would be the last to have it?

And on, and on, and on...

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