Friday 28 January 2011

Did you try your hardest? Did you learn something new? Did you have fun? HA!

Savvy scoffs at our chosen parenting techniques to focus on the process rather than the outcome. We try and try with the above questions but everything is still about a race and being the best. Sav stressed her value on winning when MegaDob set off for the Winter MegaDumyat night bike race. We explained that the competition was fierce, that the conditions were tricky, and that Mega hadn’t been practising as much as some of the others in his field. Savvy’s send off message:

“Wake me when you come home to tell me that you won”.

The translation: Only wake me if you win. Don’t even bother coming home if you don’t.

MegaD came fourth. Savvy was not impressed.

In other news of a baby nature, Mac has already outgrown his “newborn” clothes and is now filling out his 0-3 months. He’s generally a jolly fellow, falling into a nice wee routine. Last night he went from 11pm to 4am in his own cot. I think I am getting more sleep than I was in the last months of pregnancy (when I was getting almost none). I can’t believe Mac’ll be four weeks already this weekend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree savvy.............. "In it to win it" !!!!
Forth!!! your dads slacking.
& wee mac ruling the roost already, well mum & dads bed, that's just the start of it, hee hee