Monday 3 May 2010

A Man and his Kettle

This blog is for Barney and his travelling hard boiled egg van.

Dob saw this "kelley kettle" and just had to get it (infomercial?!).

When it arrived, he was straight to the backyard to give it a test. Sure enough, it produces almost instantly 3l of boiling water with only a scrap of kindling in the base, and some twigs in its core.

"Now, what can I use boiling water for?" he asked as the kettle steamed away.

We had a great camping weekend just gone, and Glen boiled many a kettle. The review?

I enjoyed a nice steaming face wash at the end of the day. But we don't drink tea or coffee and we take our hot choc with milk (naturally). Dob managed some instant couscous one night. And we might pack a hot water bottle in the future just cause we can now. When we free camp, the water will help with dishes. But now we're on the hunt for hot water friendly items. Suggestions?

In any case poor MegaDob isn't perturbed. He seems as keen as ever on his new kettle.
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Scalthwaiterigg said...

Did I really see the words "HOT WATER BOTTLE" Must be an age thing.

nattysupper said...

"Suggestions?" Strikes me you've answered your own question. Egg I up!