Sunday 10 January 2010

Lake of Monteith

Glen took Sav to the frozen Lake of Monteith wher hundreds have been gathering to curl and play. A small bit about the Lake and its glorious curling history below. Sadly, H&S curses a Bonspiel rematch for this week

The Loch is not particularly deep and can freeze over completely in exceptionally cold winters. If the ice becomes thick enough (10 inches (25 cm)) an outdoor curling
rink is made.
Curling is a team game with similarities to bowls and shuffleboard, played by two teams of four players each on a rectangular sheet of carefully prepared ice. Teams take turns sliding heavy, polished granite stones down the ice towards the target...

A bonspiel is a curling tournament, traditionally held outdoors on a frozen freshwater loch. The word comes from the Scots language and means league match...

The Grand Match, also called The Bonspiel, is an outdoor curling tournament, or bonspiel, held most recently on the Lake of Menteith in Perthshire, Scotland when the weather is cold enough. Traditionally it is a match between the north and south of Scotland.The last tournament was held in 1979. The event can attract thousands of curlers despite its rarity.

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1 comment:

Nonno said...

I know I will be called a kill-joy, but I am concerned. 6 people have drowned this winter in England on frozen lakes and canals. Please be careful.